Successful Winter Concert!

Dear all, thank you for gracing our Winter Concert! I'm sure you will all agree that it was wonderful, and we would like to thank everyone for making this concert a great success. Attached below are some youtube videos you can view of our concert and of some of our songs. We received many trememdously encouraging comments from you, ranging from "incredible" to "phenomenal", testifying to all the hard work we put in to bring this challenging (And somewhat eccentric) repertoire to audiences in Wesleyan University.

Look out for us next year! Keep your eyes (and ears) pealed...

"Suite" de Lorca: El Grito (Rautavaara)

"Suite" de Lorca: La Luna Asoma

"Suite" de Lorca: Malaguena

Ave Maria (Javier Busto)

Magic Songs: Chant for the Spirit of Hunted Animals (R. Murray Schaefer)

Zefiro (Claudio Monteverdi)

A Boy and a Girl (Whitacre)

Witness (Jack Holloran)


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